Will The BJP Government (Modi) Win 400 Seats In The Indian Election? Or 400 Paar Is Just A Slogan | Dofollow Social Bookmarking Sites 2016
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Are you curious about whether the BJP government led by Prime Minister Modi will win an astounding 400 seats in the Indian elections? Well, imagine this: it’s like aiming to score the highest marks in a class test, but instead of marks, it’s about winning seats in the country’s parliament. This ambitious goal, known as “400 Paar,” has become a hot topic across India. But is it just a catchy phrase or something that could actually happen?

Picture this: you’re in a big classroom, and there’s a competition going on. The ruling party, BJP, led by Prime Minister Modi, wants to win not just a few seats but a whopping 400 seats out of the total available in the Indian Parliament. It’s like saying they want to be the undisputed champions of the classroom, leaving everyone else far behind.
To Read more about 400 Paar is just a slogan Visit Nishant Verma website


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